Rules and Conditions
Payment Terms:
Course fees must be paid in advance for the entire month at the beginning of each month.
Payment can be made using accepted payment methods specified by the Academy, such as cash, credit card, or online payment.
An admin fee of 25$ will be implemented for the inscription.
By implementing these rules, the Academy aims to encourage timely payments and ensure the smooth running of the piano course program.
Attendance and Refund Policy:
Lessons are non-refundable.
Students must provide at least 24 hours' notice from the start of the lesson for any rescheduling request unless a valid medical certificate or doctor's note is provided.
Failure to provide the required notice may result in the lesson being considered missed without the option to reschedule.
Teacher Absence:
In the event of a teacher's absence, the Academy will take appropriate measures to ensure uninterrupted lessons.
The Academy will either arrange for a qualified substitute for the lesson or reschedule the lesson at a mutually agreed-upon date and time.
Make-Up Lessons:
Make-up lessons may be offered for lessons missed due to teacher absence or unforeseen circumstances, subject to teacher availability and suitable time slots.
Make-up lessons will be scheduled at the discretion of the Academy and based on the availability of both the student and the teacher.
Termination and Refunds:
Students may terminate their enrolment with the Academy by giving a one-month notice and receive a refund for prepaid lessons without any administrative fee.
If the student decides to stop their lessons without the one-month notice, 10% fee for any refund will be applied to the refunded balance.
Modifications and Amendments:
The Academy reserves the right to modify or amend the policies or regulations mentioned above, provided that students are informed in advance.
Waiting Time Before and After Lessons:
All students and parents must wait in the designated waiting area.
Parents are encouraged to pick up their children no later than 10 minutes after the end of class. Please also remind your children not to linger in the music exhibition area and encourage them to respect the instruments displayed. If parents are running late, please inform the school immediately.
Cancellation Fee:
If you wish to no longer continue lessons with us, we ask that you respect our 1-month policy and give us notice of your decision 1 month prior for a full refund. If not, we shall refund you and keep 10% of your refund as an administrative fee.